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Coach Theo Williams

Theo is a Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt, BBS1 - BBS3 qualified, and completed the Gracie University Instructor Certification Program (ICP) 2018.

His Story

Theo Williams started a Gracie Garage in 2016 and learned Gracie Combatives® from the DVDs with the other members of his garage. Theo earned his Combatives Belt at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Louisville from GJJ Black Belt Professor Allan Manganello in 2018, became a Gracie University Certified Instructor in 2018, and received his Blue Belt in 2019. 

Theo moved his family of 3 to Maryland in 2019 for work and started training at Baltimore Gracie Jiu-Jitsu under GJJ Black Belt Professor Nick Tissue, a good friend of Professor Tony's. While at Baltimore Gracie, Theo taught Gracie Combatives and Master Cycle classes.  In 2023, Theo moved his family of 5 to Aurora Colorado for work and started training at Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Aurora and eventually became part of the team as a certified Jiu-Jitsu instructor.


Theo holds a Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati (Ohio) and works full-time as an Electromechanical Engineer in the Aurora area.  Theo is a US Army Veteran.


Helio Gracie : Rorion Gracie : Ryron and Rener Gracie : Tony Debelak : Theo Williams

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